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Southeast Asia tours
Thailand, The Land of Smiles, is an incredible destination. With a long, rich heritage and abundant natural resources, from its mist-covered mountains to the verdant limestone islands of the Andaman Sea, Thailand is no doubt one of the most exotic destinations in Asia. Thai people are known for their tolerance and hospitality and the average tourist will have no difficulty in adjusting to local customs. Thais know that foreign visitors have their own customs and different ways of doing things, but if you are aware of some of the do’s and don’ts you can avoid unintentionally offending people and will earn respect from your Thai hosts.

- Learn some Thai language and do not hesitate to practice it when you are here.
- Thai people greet each other by doing ‘wai’, which is joining your hands together near your chin and slightly bowing to the other.
- Always show respect for all Buddha images and for people’s beliefs.
- Do treat monks with the respect.
- When entering religious grounds, dress neatly and show respect. Cover yourself from shoulders to knees, and take off hats and shoes when entering the buildings. Dress conservatively - women in particular should wear long skirts or trousers, have their shoulders covered, and should not wear sandals.
- Do remove your shoes before entering a temple, private homes and even some shops if requested.
- Do try and keep calm no matter what the problem or provocation may be.
- Do eat with a spoon. Use the fork to load food onto the spoon.
- Do lower your body slightly when passing between or in front of people.
- Do smile a lot.
- When in a temple, be silent or if you must speak, speak softly, even more so if monks are present worshipping!
- When visiting temples, dress conservatively - women particularly should wear long skirts or trousers, have their shoulders covered, and should not wear sandals.
- hen the national anthem is played, at 8.00 am and 6.00 pm everyday and at public events or in cinemas, for example, you are expected to stand. The best guide is to check what other people are doing and follow suit.
- Do not speak or act disrespectfully in anyway towards the King or any member of the Royal Family. Negative remarks about the monarchy may be considered lese majesty (treasonous), an offense carrying severe punishment in Thailand.
- Do not place your feet on the table when seated. Do not point at things with your feet, hold doors open with your feet, point your feet to the image of Buddha, or point at or touch people.
- Do not cross your legs when you are in the presence of a monk. This applies whether you are sitting on the floor or in a chair.
- Do not physically display affection in public.
- Do not appear nude at the beach or in other settings. Nudity is offensive to most Thai people, although nobody is likely to say anything to you if you do so.
- Do not touch a Thai person’s head or ruffle their hair. Apologize if you accidentally touch somebody’s head.
- Do not raise your voice or lose your temper.
- Do not call people with fingers up since it is considered very rude. Do with your palm down and fingers straight with an up and down movement.
- Buddhist monks are not allowed to touch or be touched by a woman or accept anything a woman might offer. If a woman wants to give something to a monk it must first be given to a man or placed on a piece of cloth. The monk will then drag the cloth to him before picking the item up. Likewise a monk will not shake a man’s hand, that type of contact is forbidden.
- Do not smoke on the street nor drop litter.
- In a Muslim mosque, men should wear hats and women should be well-covered with slacks or a long skirt, a long-sleeved blouse buttoned to the neck, and a head-scarf.
- When handing objects to people, use both hands or the right hand only. Do not slide or toss objects across the room. Get up and pass them in person, no matter how inconvenient this may seem. Tossing things before someone else is considered extremely rude.
- Do not eat rice with your fork, eat with a spoon instead. The fork is used to push the food onto the spoon, and the spoon is used to eat. It is also considered impolite and disrespectful to leave some rice on the plate. So make sure you will finish it all.
- Do not get involved in any thing illegal like prostitution or drug dealing, nor purchase products made from endangered species, and never buy antiques or other sacred items.